Listerature A list of my greater diversions beginning upon January 1, 2023. The Elder Gods Of Ghosts and Godpoles Culture of the Teutons Asatru: Native European Spiritualit A Book of Troth A Practical Guide to Asatru Exploring the Northern Tradition Teutonic Magic Family Rites for the Germanic Heathen Rites of Anglo Saxon Paganism Path to the Gods Hammer of the Gods We are our Deeds Theodisc Galeafa Would you know yet More? Ald Sahsisk Galdrabok White Marsh Galdraboc Rudiments of Runelore Irish Fairy and Folktales European Mythology and Polytheism Runelore Germania Our Father's Godsaga Futhark Poetic Edda Saga of the Volsungs Prose Edda Elves, Wights and Trolls Pagan Magic of Northern Tradition Pagan Book of Days Somerset Folk Tales Mazes and Labyrinths Sacred Geometry The Tradition of Household Spirits The Ancient Fires of Midgard Lost Gods of England Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia A history of Somerset Blue Runa House Rites Sense and Sensibility Wuthering Heights THe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Coming of Conan the Barbarian The Song of Ice and Fire (all books) Laws of the West Goths The Stations of the Sun EarthSea (all books) His Dark Materials (all books) Wheel of Time (all books) The Malloreon (all books) Sense and Sensibility Pride and Prejudice Persuasion